Mrs. Hunt's Heroes

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All About Mrs. Hunt

This is my sixth year in Santa Fe ISD.  I have taught in Nebraska and Texas.  I have taught kindergarten for 16 years, 1st grade for 1 year and have been a curriculum intervention specialist/instructional coach for 9 years.  I grew up in a small town in Nebraska. After high school I attended and graduated from Hastings College in Hastings Nebraska.  

My Philosophy of Teaching

I truly believe that all children can and will learn if they have a teacher that cares about them and is not only willing to go the extra mile for them, but also sets high expectations for them.  I believe that a relationship between the child’s home and school is a most.  The family is the child’s first and most important teacher; I will not be able to do my job to its fullest without your help.  I not only set high expectations for our students, but for our parents as well.   I have an open door policy.  I encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the front office for more information and to complete an application.  I also have opportunities for parents to volunteer from home if you are interested.

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