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Principles of Agriculture Food & Natural Resources

Course Syllabus 2022-2023

Teacher: Ms. Laura Redlinger                                        

Classroom: E205                         

Phone: 409-927-3295                                                                            


Conference: 8th Period


Course Objectives:

Principles of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources is the first class of many agricultural related pathways offered at Santa Fe High School. This class is designed give students an overview of the many different fields in agriculture and provide them with the opportunity find out which field might be the best fit for them. This class also focuses on the development of professional and employability skills, career and educational opportunities, as well as giving a base knowledge for future agricultural classes.


Class Content:

Listed below are the different topics that will be covered throuoght the year:

  • The FFA
  • Intro to Ag
  • Animal Science
  • Plant and Soil Science
  • Agricultural Engineering and Mechanics
  • Professional and Employability Skills


Remind 101:

Students are required to join the remind 101 corresponding to their class period in order to receive reminders and updates regarding the course and course assignments. Parents are strongly encouraged to join to stay informed on what students are doing in class 😊

            *code to join class remind will be on syllabus handout*


Materials Needed:

For this class, students are required to bring the following supplies:

  • Pen/pencil and any other writing utensil students may want
  • 1 1/2 inch binder and dividers (6 needed)
  • Assigned laptop and charger
  • Students may be asked to bring additional materials to class from time to time. These materials will be used for class activities and projects.



Report cards with each student’s performance and absences in each class or subject are issued at least once every nine weeks. At the end of the first three weeks of a grading period, parents will receive a progress report if their child’s performance in any course/subject area is near or below 70 or is below the expected level of performance. If a student receives a grade lower than 70 in any class or subject at the end of a grading period, the parent will be asked to schedule a conference with the teacher.

The report card or unsatisfactory progress report will state whether tutorials are required for a student who receives a grade lower than 70.

A           90-100

B            80-89

C            75-79

D             70-74

F            Below 70                        


Makeup Work:

Makeup Work Because of Absence- A teacher may assign makeup work to a student who misses class based on instructional objectives and the needs of the student in mastering the essential knowledge and skills or meeting subject or course requirements. The student will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work within the time specified by the teacher. A student who does not make up assigned work within the time allotted by the teacher will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Students are allotted the amount of time that they were absent to complete missing assignments. The student is encouraged to speak with his or her teacher if the student knows of an absence ahead of time so that the teacher and student may plan any makeup work.


Class Participation:

Class participation will include taking care of class pet, hands-on activities, group work, class discussions, asking and answering questions, daily warm-ups, helping clean up, and overall appropriate behavior during all class activities. Group participation will be graded by group members and teacher. Daily participation will be observed by the teacher and may be recorded weekly and used a daily grade.


Class Expectations:

All classroom policies will follow the Santa Fe ISD teacher/student handbook. In this class, students will be expected to:

  • Respect self, teacher, classmates, and animals.
  • Come to class on time and prepared
  • Remain seated during instructional time unless instructed otherwise.
  • Sign in and out of classroom when leaving the classroom for any reason unless deemed an emergency by the teacher.
  • Keep cell phones and headphones powered off and kept away during class time unless instructed otherwise.
  • Refrain from using inappropriate language and discussions.
  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Put in max effort on class assignments and activities.


Electronic Devices:

  • School Laptops

Students are required to bring assigned laptops to school each day. If students need to borrow a laptop from the classroom, he/she will leave something of value (i.e. phone) to ensure that the laptop does not leave the classroom.


  • Cell Phones

Students are required to keep phones and headphones powered off and kept away during class time unless the teacher instructs otherwise. If students are seen on their phones during class time without permission, the following disciplinary actions will occur:

Fist Offense: Verbal warning, phone call home

Second Offense: Phone confiscated and placed on teacher’s desk until end of class, phone call home

Third Offense: Phone confiscated and turned into the front office where student can pick up at the end of the day. Phone call home

         ***See student handbook for additional disciplinary action***


Restroom Policy:

Students are allowed to use the restroom during class time provided that the time they leave is in compliance with the school district’s 10/10 rule. Under the 10/10 rule, students may not leave the classroom 10 minutes after class starts and 10 minutes before class ends. Once the 10/10 rule is no longer in effect, one student may sign out at a time to use the restroom. Once he or she returns, they must sign back in. Students should understand that they are responsible for getting any notes or materials he or she may have missed while out.


Students with Disabilities:

Any student who feels he/she may need accommodations, please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs and how we can work together to meet those needs.


Academic Dishonesty:

Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students.

***See the student handbook for more information***

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