Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Olivia Hinojosa
Contact Information:
School Phone: 409-927-3289
Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday
Class Content
During the course of this year, we will cover a wide range of topics concerning Health Science. Some of the topics we will cover are listed below:
- Career Readiness
- CNA Certification
- CPR Certification
- Communication skills
- Ethics
- Diseases
- Nursing Skills
- Team Building
Major Objectives of Course
The focus of this course is to prepare for a healthcare career by providing skills and knowledge needed. We will complete CNA certifications and study/prepare for the state certification. In this class we will also discuss plans for furthering your education to reach your healthcare goals.
Materials Needed:
1 – Spiral Notebook
Black or Blue pen/pencil
All class assignments will be in Canvas. When a student is absent, this is their go to source to find out what they have missed in class. If an assignment cannot be completed at home, they will have the number of days that they were absent to make up the assignment once they return to campus.
Tests/Projects – 50% Daily – 20% Quizzes – 30%
Policies and Procedures
All Health science classrooms will follow the Santa Fe ISD teacher/student handbook. I would like to stress the following classroom policies:
- RESPECT: teacher and each other
- Be on TIME. I am strict on tardiness.
- No food or sodas in class (sealed water can be brought to class).
- No cussing or inappropriate discussions (sex, race, drugs, alcohol, negative gossip, etc…)
- Be prepared for class – composition notebook, laptop, desktop computer, pen/pencil
- No cell phones
- Sim lab Days - Clean up after yourself.
- Treat all supplies with respect. (tools, laptops, markers, desks, sinks, etc.)
- Safety – Student will behave in a safe manner 100% of the time while being enrolled in this hands on CTE class. If student does not make a 100 on the safety test the student will not be allowed to participate in any hands on activities or handle tools (arranging, designing) until a 100 (mastery) is achieved on the safety test.
*** Any violation of the above will result in disciplinary action.
Students who choose to violate my classroom rules and procedures will fall under the follow disciplinary plan.
1. Verbal warning
2. Contact parent via Phone and Email
3. Detention with teacher after school
4. Office referral with students AP
The absolute best way to reach me to discuss grades, behavior, or any other school concerns will be by e-mail. If you call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can. Grades and attendance can be checked on the district website regularly.
My e-mail is: Olivia.