Digital Media

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Digital Media PEIMS #13027800

Grade Level(s): 9-12; 1.0 credit; Course Fee - $25

The students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies with related careers connected to design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services. Focus will be on digital media, design and layout principles, appropriate use of animation, digital media into print, web-based video products incorporating video, audio, text, graphics and animations into a web page. Students will design and create multimedia projects that address customer needs and demonstrate ethical use of intellectual property. Course fees are due September 29, 2018.



Digital Media 

Mrs. Vaughn - Classroom E-107 

Syllabus 2018-19 

Course Description 

Welcome Digital Interactive Media. Through the study of digital and interactive media and its application in information technology, students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies, while designing and creating multimedia projects that address customer needs and resolve a problem. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Student enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment. 

CTE  fee 

  • $25.00  (one-time fee that covers all CTE classes) 
  • Due by September 29, 2018 
  • Use Parent Access or pay the bookkeeper in the office 
  • Make checks payable to “Santa Fe High School” or “SFHS” 
  • All checks must have a phone number on the front 

Overview of Assignments 

This is not an all-inclusive list, but a general overview of the assignments. 

  • Design & Presentation Principles 
  • Professionalism 
  • Personal Characteristics 
  • Workplace skills and ethics 
  • Career Research and Planning 
  • Using Technology 
  • Graphic Principles 
  • Color theory 
  • Typography theory 
  • Digital Illustration 
  • Learn to comply with standard practices and behaviors that meet legal and ethical responsibilities 
  • Analyze and apply design and layout principles 
  • Designs and creates digital graphics 
  • Create a logo 
  • Create a mascot 
  • Digital Graphics and Image Manipulation 
  • Design and Layout Principles 
  • Designs and creates digital graphics 
  • Compares and contrast the characteristics of raster-based bitmap graphics to vector-based graphics 
  • Appropriate file storage and file size management skills 
  • Recognizes the various file extensions used in digital and interactive media 
  • Identify and choose appropriate software applications for specific digital media types for photo, graphics, video, audio and animation editing software 
  • Differentiate between the color mode selections in determining product output 
  • Use of digital photography equipment and techniques 
  • Desktop Publishing 
  • Analyzes and applies design and layout principles 
  • Create business cards 
  • Create advertisement poster 
  • Create Letterhead 
  • Video & Audio Production 
  • Create a Public Service announcement 
  • Write a 3 minute script for a short film 
  • In a group film one of the scripts 
  • Edit the short film 
  • Add music to the short film 
  • Animation 
  • Create a linear animation 
  • Create 30 frame animation 
  • Create 140 frame animation 
  • Portfolio 
  • Create an electronic portfolio 

Grade Point Assessments 

Conversion table for letter grades. 

90 – 100 = A 

80 – 89 = B 

75 – 79 = C 

70 – 74 = D 

69 and below = F 


Grading Scale 

  1. Nine-Week Averages 
  • Tests and projects = 50% 
  • Weekly photography assignments and assignment sheets = 30% 
  • Participation, C-notes and group work = 20% 
  1. Semester Averages 
  • 1st Nine Weeks = 40% 
  • 2nd Nine Weeks = 40% 
  • Semester Exam = 20% 

Late Work 

  1. Assignments are due on time 
  1. Students may be permitted to turn in an assignment up to three (3) school days past the original due date 
  1. A grade deduction of 25 points off the grade earned 
  1. All minor/daily assignments associated with a major assignment (exam/test) must be turned in prior to the administration of the major assignment. 


Class behavior 

  1. Respect yourself and others equally. 
  1. No phones use in classroom without permission. 
  1. Do not write on, or erase the board without permission. 
  1. Absolutely no foul or questionable language in class. 
  1. No food or drink allowed, except bottled water. 
  1. Do not go behind the teacher’s desk. 
  1. Almost all the work is on the computer. Respect the computer. 



Electronic Device Policy 


  • DO NOT enter the classroom with ear buds or headphones on or in your ears. All headphones and earbuds must be put away before the tardy bell. 
  • All electronic devices must be silenced during class and out of sight. If seen it will be taken up  
  • Do not play games, charge setting or install programs on the classroom computers. 




  1. Verbal warning 
  1. Conference with teacher. 
  1. Teacher detention and call or email to parents. 
  1. Teacher, student, parent conference. 
  1. Office referral 

Conduct Grades 


E = Excellent 

  • The student has an excellent attitude, displays excellent work habits, is highly cooperative, and observes the school rules and regulations. 

S = Satisfactory 

  • The student has a good attitude, is cooperative, and generally observes school rules and regulations. 

N = Needs Improvement 

  • The student has a poor attitude, is at times uncooperative, at times disrupts class, and shows little respect for school and classroom rules and regulations. 

U = Unsatisfactory 

  • The student has a poor attitude and is generally uncooperative. The student disrupts class and shows little respect for school and classroom rules and regulations. 


Classroom procedures 

  1. Every student is required to wear their ID badge in plain sight, above the waist. 
  1. Every student is required to be in class by the tardy bell.  If the student is late I will follow the school policies. 
  1. Every student is required to stay in the room 10 minutes after the bell and 10 minutes before the bell rings.  No permission will be given to leave my classroom during this time. 
  1. At the beginning of class students have these responsibilities: 
  • The student is responsible for the proper use of all equipment. 
  • The student is responsible to check the computer when logging on. If there is any kind of problems the student should inform the teacher immediately (within the first 5 minutes). 
  • Any problems after 5 minutes become the student’s problem that is currently working on the computer. 
  • All vandalism or misuse of equipment is the responsibility of the student. 
  •  The cost of the replacement is the student’s responsibility. 
  1. Every day the student is required to have the following in class: 
  • Work on the computers daily. 
  • The student’s finished assignment must be submitted electronically. 
  • The student must be in school approved clothing. 
  • Any movement in the school has to be documented on a movement list and accompanied by a Commercial Photography badge. 


Checking out Equipment 

  1. All equipment must be check out by the teacher. 
  1. All check out forms must be filled out and signed by the teacher and student. 
  1. A signed release form from the parents must be on file to check out equipment. 
  1. Any equipment not turned in or damaged will be paid for by the student or placed on the fine list. 
  1. All equipment must be turned in on time. 


SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL Statement of Policy 


  • I understand student use shall be monitored at all times by SFISD staff 
  • I will not participate in chat rooms, blogs, message boards, and forums (unless it is for educational purposes and under teacher supervision) 
  • I understand non-compliance or misuse of network privileges may result in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution 

Students of CTE Classes Computer Usage Policy 

The acknowledgement page must be signed and returned to your teacher before you will be allowed to use the computers. 

  • All copyright, federal, and state laws regarding electronic data, transfer, or communication will be adhered to and enforced 
  • Do not make copies of software and/or programs 
  • Do not install or use any software/program not licensed to Santa Fe high School (This includes games) 
  • Don not invade computer system files to access and /or alter information, including but not limited to: 
  1. Accessing or changing system files 
  1. Altering “control panel” setting 
  1. Removing software for the hard disk 
  1. Moving icons on the desktop 
  • Damaging  and/or destroying computer equipment/software 
  1. No food or drinks near the computers 
  1. Each student will be assigned a computer. 
  1. At the beginning of class students have these responsibilities: 
  1. The student is responsible for the proper use of all equipment. 
  1. The student is responsible to check the computer when logging on. If there is any kind of problems the student should inform the teacher immediately (within the first 5 minutes). 
  1. Any problems after 5 minutes become the student’s problem that is currently working on the computer. 
  1. All vandalism or misuse of equipment is the responsibility of the student. The cost of the replacement is the student’s responsibility. 
  1. Students should log into the computer at the beginning of class. 
  1. The student should always check their emails at the beginning of class. 
  1. When completing assignments on the computer, the student should always save their work to OneDrive. 
  1. Always share or submit work to the proper teacher at the end of class. 
  1. At the end of class the student should: 
  1. Log of the computer. Last period classes need to log of and shut down the computer. 
  1. Pick-up and clean-up the computer area 
  1. Push the chair under the computer desk at the end of class. 


  • This equipment/software is the property of Santa Fe ISD 
  • Each student will be held financially responsible for any damage cause by the student 
  • The Internet will only be used for educational purposes. Any other use is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the teacher. Students caught browsing or using an unauthorized website will be banned from the Internet. Items that are prohibited include but are not limited to: 
  1. Games 
  1. Instant Messaging 
  1. Email 
  1. Blog or live journal sites 
  1. Proxy sites 
  1. Pornography 
  1. Shopping sites 

Contact Information – Karen Vaughn 

  • Room phone:  409-927-3282 
  • Tutorials: Tuesday – Thursday from 2:40 – 3:10 

     Advisory Classes 

  • Photography I & II, Principles of Human Services and Digital Media (DIM)  
  • Santa Fe High School – 409-927-3100 

I arrive at school between 5:30 am and 6:00 am every day. I also stay until 3:30 every day. These times are the best times to use the school phone number to reach me. My cell phone does not have a signal in my classroom. E-mail reaches me all day and I will get back to you within 24 hours. 



Below you will see a list of the CTE courses that require a fee. The fees are to be paid to the bookkeeper, cash or check made out to Santa Fe High School. 

Fees for classes 

There is a flat fee of $25.00 for CTE classes. This fee is for the entire year and covers all classes. If the student take more than one CTE class, he/she only has to pay the fee once and it covers all classes. 

These fees are due by Friday, September 28, 2018. 

If you have any questions about the class please contact me, if you have any questions about paying please contact bookkeeper at 409-927-3122  



Karen Vaughn 



STUDENT’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ CLASS: _______________________________________________________ PERIOD: _________________  

Dear Student & Parent/Guardian, 

  • Please read the information packet carefully so that you and your child are aware of the expectations and rules in my classroom and for this course. 
  • All policies and procedures are laid out in the packet and will be strictly adhered to for the duration to the school year. 
  • The parent and student has been provided with an information packet of Mrs. Vaughn’s classes. 
  • I have read and understand all expectations, policies and procedures in this course guide, including the class fees that are due, Friday, September 29, 2017. 
  • I will respect, abide, and adhere to this course guide for the duration of the school year. 
  • By signing these forms, you are stating your understanding and compliance and have your child return the paperwork to me no later than Friday, September 29, 2017. 



Student’s name: _________________________________ Student’s signature: ________________________ Parent/Guardian name: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: ___________________ Date: ____________________ 

Parent/Guardian Preferred Mode of Contact & Information 

1: Parent/Guardian name: 

Relation to student: 

Work phone: 

Home phone: 

Cell phone: 

Email address: 

Circle preferred mode of contact: 

Email                 Work phone               Home phone           Cell phone 

Preferred contact time: 

2: Parent/Guardian name: 

Relation to student: 

Work phone: 

Home phone: 

Cell phone: 

Email address: 

Circle preferred mode of contact: 

Email                 Work phone               Home phone           Cell phone 

Preferred contact time: 



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