Welcome 4th Grade Wollam Warriors

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My name is Kim Murphy.  This is my 24th year in the classroom and my 7th year in Santa Fe.  I received my degree from Lamar University in Early Childhood Education.  I am looking forward to a fantastic  school year with your student.

I have been married for 27 years with 2 grown children and one perfect little grandson that just turned 2.

Please make sure to connect to our Class Dojo.  This is a great communication source.  I will post upcoming events and any day to day information.  This is also the fasted way to send me information if you have any questions or concerns.  You can also reach me by email: kimberly.murphy@sfisd.org or by phone 409-925-3432.

Together we will make this the best year!!!!


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Murphy’s Schedule

 8:40-8:45         Announcements

8:45-9:00          Warm-up/Number Talk

9:00-9:20          Mini Lesson

9:20-10:10        Guided Math (small group)

10:10-10:55      Specials

10:55-11:10      Continued small groups

11:15-11:45      Lunch

11:45-12:00      Restroom

12:00-12:20      Recess

12:20-1:05        Science/Social Studies               

 1:10                   Transition to Mrs. Rehm

1:15-1:45          Whole Group Math/Warm-up/Number Talk/Mini Lesson

1:45-2:45          Guided Math (small groups)

2:45-3:40          Science/Social Studies

3:45                    Dismissal

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