What Is My Child Learning?

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Music is awesomely fun, but also plays an important role in a well-rounded education! My lessons closely follow the Texas Essential Knowledge Standards, or TEKS. Every public school teacher is required to teach their students based on a set of standards, to make learning consistent across the state. Here are the goals that your child will be achieving this year.


Kindergarten Music StandardsLinks to an external site.

1st Grade Music StandardsLinks to an external site.

 2nd Grade Music StandardsLinks to an external site.


3rd Nine Weeks

K- Instrument Families(String, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion), Moving, Playing, Listening, and Singing Dynamics(Loud and Soft) and Tempo(fast and slow)

1st - Quarter Notes & Rests, Singing, Playing and Moving to Notes & Rests, Tempo(largo, moderato, presto), Dynamics(piano and forte)

2nd - Duration of Notes & Rests(whole note, half note, quarter note, quarter rest, paired eighth notes), Writing and Creating Rhythm, Dynamics(pianissimo, mp, mf, forte, fortissimo, and crescendo/decrescendo), Instruments of the Orchestra(Focus on Brass Family, conductor, science of sound production), Easter Performance Prep

4th Nine Weeks

K- Moving, Listening, Playing and Singing Long & Short Sounds(Duration - We call long sounds "ta" and short sounds "ta-di"), Making Rhythm, Different Timbres of Singing Voices, Graduation Practice, Year Review

1st - Instrument Families(Focus on String & Percussion), Form in Music(AB, ABA, Repeat Signs),  Continue Reading & Writing Rhythm,Year Review

2nd Grade - Composing Rhythm, Melody, and Lyrics, Form in Music(AB, ABA, ABACA Rondo, Repeat Signs), Year Review

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