Intro to Floral Design

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Class Content

During the course of this year, we will cover a wide range of topics concerning Floral Design.  Some of the topics we will cover are listed below:

  • Identify & Classify Flowers
  • Floral Tools & Materials
  • History of Floral Design
  • Collecting & Drawing Floral Designs
  • Corsages & Boutonniere Construction
  • Homecoming Mum Construction
  • Floral Design for Holidays & Occasions
  • TSFA Level 1 Floral Certifications and/or iCEV Certifications

Major Objectives of Course

This course is design to develop students’ ability to identify and demonstrate the principles and techniques related to floral design as well as develop an understanding of the management of floral enterprises. Some of the topics we will be covering are historical periods of floral design, floral careers, and many more. A brief introduction of floral certifications will be discussed as well.

Materials Needed

1 – Composition Notebook (preferably not a spiral notebook) for interactive notebooks/warms ups

Black or Blue pen/pencil

Laptop & charger if needed

NOTE** Additional materials may be called for throughout the year: empty cans, mason jars, craft supplies, and other essentials for class. I will provide all other floral supplies.

Class Supply Fee

Each student enrolled in Principles of Floral Design are required to pay a $50 course fee. Please see the campus bookkeeper for questions regarding payment.

Grading Scale
The majority of class work will be completed through iCEV and hands on projects. iCEV is an online curriculum platform that houses many different subject areas. Student will be responsible for their own log in and completing their own assignments in a timely manner. All floral arrangements/ designs will be counted as major grades. Grades will be determined based on Santa Fe High School grading policy.

Major grades 40%         Minor grades 60%

Make-up Work

Make-up assignments or test shall be made available to students after any absence but it is the responsibility of the student to come and ask for his/her make-up work. Students shall have the same number of days to complete make-up work as they were absent from the class.  If not completed in the allotted time, the work falls under the guidelines of late work.

Expectations and Procedures

All agricultural science classrooms will follow the Santa Fe ISD teacher/student handbook. I would like to stress the following classroom policies:

  1. RESPECT: teacher and each other
  2. Be on TIME. I am strict on tardiness.
  3. No food or sodas in class (sealed water can be brought to class).
  4. No sleeping or walking around the room during instruction or class work
  5. Be prepared for class every day.
  6. No cell phones or air pods/ear buds.
  7. Clean up after yourself, especially on design days.
  8. Treat all supplies with respect. (Floral materials, tools, laptops, markers, desks, sinks, etc.)
  9. Safety – Student will behave in a safe manner 100% of the time while being enrolled in this hands on CTE class. If student does not make a 100 on the safety test the student will not be allowed to participate in any hands on activities or handle tools (arranging, designing) until a 100 (mastery) is achieved on the safety test.
  10. Students must sign in and out when leaving the classroom for any reason unless deemed an emergency by the teacher. The student is not allowed to leave the classroom without a pass.

*** Any violation of the above will result in disciplinary action.


Students who choose to violate my classroom rules and procedures will fall under the follow disciplinary plan.
1. Verbal warning
2. Contact parent via Phone and Email
3. Detention with teacher after school
4. Office referral with students AP


The absolute best way to reach me to discuss grades, behavior, or any other school concerns will be by e-mail. If you call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can. Grades and attendance can be checked on the district website regularly. 

My e-mail is:

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