Mr. Pieper’s Policies and Procedures

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Attendance Policy

Attendance is taken every class period during the first 10 minutes of class.  This will happen while students are silently completing the warm-up.  A seating chart will be used to determine if a student is present.  Attendance will be entered into Skyward.  If a student is not in their assigned seat by the time attendance is taken, they will be marked as absent.


Hallways Procedure

Students are expected to enter the classroom in an orderly fashion.  Lingering and waiting around by the door is not permitted.


Tardy Policy

Tardy students are not allowed to enter my classroom without a pass.  Students will come in without disrupting the classroom environment.  Tardies will be entered into Skyward if the student is present within the first 10 minutes of class starting.  If a student is tardy multiple times, parent/ guardian contact will be necessary and appropriate consequences will be given (see tardy policy).


Announcements/Interruptions Policy

Students are to be silent when announcements are given or if the classroom phone rings.  Students are expected to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the moment of silence.


Classroom Expectations (C.H.A.M.P.S.)

For each activity in a lesson, from warm-up to the closing activity, I have a set of expectations.  All activities will have these expectations clearly listed on the board. These expectations are called C.H.A.M.P.S., meaning Communication level, how to ask for Help, the Activity the students will be participating in, any Movement that will be required for the activity, how the students will Participate in the activity, and what they will do to be Successful for the activity.







Level 0

Level 1

Level 2


Raise hand

Ask partner

Ask group






Stay in your seat

Find a partner

Stay in your group


Work independently

Work with partner

Share on your turn


Warm-up is complete

You are ready to share response with the class

Group is ready to share a collective response

Manners Policy

Using good manners is required for my classroom, and will be a vital tool for success in our society.  At the beginning of the school year I will ask the following four questions:

  1. How do you want to be treated by your peers?
  2. How do you think they want to be treated?
  3. How do you want to be treated by the teacher?
  4. How do you think the teacher wants to be treated by you?

These four questions builds the foundation of social interaction in my classroom.  I foster a safe learning environment.  Students should feel safe to try and not fear failure.  Students will be held accountable to meet and follow classroom rules.


Classroom rules:

  1. Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn EVERYDAY!
  2. RESPECT the teacher, the classroom, and other students.
  3. Be RESPONSIBLE for your own learning.
  4. Keep all personal electronics (devices) PUT AWAY.
  5. Trash goes in the trashcan. #NOTYOURMAID


Procedure for Entering The Classroom

Students will enter the classroom prior to the bell.  They will enter the classroom without talking.  Students will get the required items needed for the lesson; at least two writing utensils, assignment, homework, laptop, etc., and prepare themselves for class.  Any handouts needed for class will be on the table to their left as they enter the room.  After students get the supplies needed, they will begin the warm-up (see the C.H.A.M.P.S. above for daily procedural expectation).

Students may not leave class during the first or last ten minutes of class, as this instructional time is set for warm-ups and closing assignments.  During class time, they may only use the restroom while working independently.  Students are responsible for any instruction missed when they choose to leave my class. Students are expected to use the restroom before or after classes.


Procedure for Getting To Work

Upon entering the classroom, students are expected to immediately begin working.

  1. Everyday, students are to come to class prepared: pencil, paper, and binder.
  2. Everyday, students are to get the required supplies: handouts, assignments, homework, note page, etc.
  3. Everyday, students are to complete their warm-up.

Once the lesson begins, assignment instructions will be given and students will be expected to begin working immediately.


Supplies Policy

Students are also expected to come to class with a pen and/or pencil to use every day.  A student may borrow a pencil, but will have to return it upon leaving the class.  Students will also need a binder to contain their school work, as well as paper to take notes.  I have limited supplies to assist students’ needs.  At the end of an activity, materials are to be returned to where they belong.  Direct instructions will be given on how and when to use classroom resources.


Procedure for Borrowing a Calculator and/ or laptop

When necessary, students will need a graphing calculator and/ or a laptop.  If a student does not have their own calculator, they may borrow one from the class-set.  Upon entering the room, students will check the board behind my desk to see if a calculator and/ or laptop is needed for the lesson.  If so, they will go to the designated station, select the device needed, and sign it out on the log-out sheet.  As the lesson approaches the end, I will announce when to return all borrowed supplies.  When returning the calculator and/ or laptop, students will plug the device in to be charged and then sign it back in on the log-in sheet.  As devices are checked out to a student, it is that student’s responsibility to ensure that they are the ones checking out and in these devices, not their friends!


Personal Technology Policy

Students are not allowed to have their personal devices out during instructional time.  My class is equipped with a class set of laptops for activities that require the use of technology for educational purposes.  If a student is seen with their device out or turned on, they will receive a verbal warning.  A second warning will result in the device being taken up for the remainder of the class, followed by a phone call home.  A third warning will result in the phone being submitted to the campus bookkeeper and will not be returned without a $15 fine.


Heading On Assignment Policy

First & Last Name                                                                                                   Subject/ Course

Today's Date                                                                                                                Class Period

Title of Assigment

**Students will number problems and draw a box around answers on math assignments.


Procedure for Participating In Class Discussions

Participating in class discussions, activities, and projects is crucial in my class.  Class discussions also allow students to share their thoughts, opinions, ideas, and ask questions about the content being taught.  Students are expected to raise their hands when they want to ask a question or make a comment.  The teacher will use random selection methods to encourage participation from all students.  The teacher will support student conversation by using sentence stems and reminding student to use the “When I don’t know what to say” poster (see expectation desk toper).


Comprehension Policy

There are multiple ways to show you understand a concept or question.  It’s important that students are focused and participating in all tasks being asked of the teacher, so the teacher can assess all students’ levels of understanding.  I will encourage students to use response signals.


I will say, “Pencils down and close your notebook when you have finished writing.”

When working in pairs or groups, I’ll ask how much long they will need, and the students will respond using their fingers.

Students will also use thumbs down (don’t understand), thumbs sideways (need some help), and thumbs up (understand) to show the teacher their levels of understanding.


Procedure for Coming To Attention

When working in groups, activities will require discussions.  As many discussions will inspire students to generate excessive verbal communications, I have a variety of methods for getting the whole classes attention. The following are some examples:

I will give the quiet-5 count down.  I will say “Give Me Five” while raising my hand.  As students see this, they will stop their conversations and quietly raise their hands, while encouraging others to do the same.  I will acknowledge/ affirm the first five students that have complied and are ready to move on with the lesson. This signal means:

  1. Eyes on the speaker
  2. Mouths closed
  3. Ears listening
  4. In a seat/ Sitting up straight
  5. Hands and feet are quite

I will say “Clap once if you can hear me, clap twice if you can hear me, (in a whisper) whisper (insert content relevance here) if you can hear me.”  As a class, students will clap appropriately, followed with a whisper that will show that I have their attention and that they are ready to move forward.

I have a few different call-outs that will require call-backs from the class, such as:

“Red Robins…” “…Yuummm!”

“Shark bait…” “Who-ha-ha!”

“Chillin’ out…” “At the Holiday-Inn!”

Depending on what the students like or work best with (see call-out, call back list for more), I may a few for one class, and potentially a long list for other classes.  Different techniques will be practiced to see how well each class responds to the signals.  Regardless of the method, I will wait until I have 100% compliance from 100% of my students before continuing instruction.  If a student shows that they are not ready to continue, I will ask them to go out into the hallway, count to 10, then they can ask permission to come back to the classroom.

Students must be silent when transitions are made between activities or to receive instruction.  Any of the above methods will be used to gain attention when any announcements are received over the intercom, or if the classroom phone rings.


Procedure for Working With Partners or Group Work

Students are to treat others with respect by working collaboratively and cooperatively during group work or with a partner.  They are expected to stay on task and only speak with their partner or group members at the appropriate volume.  Students will follow all classroom procedures while working with others by following the C.H.A.M.P.S guidelines for each activity in each lesson.


Procedure for Moving Around the Room

Moving around the room during non-activities will only be necessary when leaving to use the restroom, to get water, getting a tissue, to sharpen a pencil, or to turn in late work.  I have a series of hand signals that will allow non-verbal communication between teacher and students to avoid interrupting instruction or activities.  Students are expected to go directly to their destination and then return to their seat without disrupting other students.


Procedure for Turning In Assignments

Clear instructions will be given to students prior to beginning an assignment/ activity, including how to be successful in completing an assignment (see Classroom Expectations).  Students could be asked to turn in assignments in one of the following ways:

  1. Individual work will be turned in to the class period drawer on the table by the door.
  2. Closing activities will be due at the end of the period and collected as an exit ticket.

Never place an assignment on the teacher’s desk, leave on your student desk, or leave it in the basket under the student desks.


Absent Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to retrieve missing work or any alternate assignments when they are absent.  In class activities are not always able be “made up,” so alternate assignments may be created.  This will give absent students the content needed at the same level as their peers.  Attendance is extremely important at SFHS.  When absent students return, they must collect the necessary work.


Procedure for Going To The Office/Nurse/Restroom/Library

Students will not exit the classroom without a pass from the teacher.  If a student is called to the office, they will leave when appropriate, and only after receiving clear instruction from the teacher.  When a student needs to see the nurse, and it is not an emergency, they will leave when appropriate, and with clear instruction from the teacher.  However, if it is an emergency situation, a student will be able to leave the classroom immediately.  If necessary, the teacher will send another student to help them get to the nurse’s office.  Parent/ guardian contact will be made.  Students are to use the restroom between classes.  When a student needs to use the restroom, they will trade their personal device for the restroom pass.  Upon returning, they will trade the pass back for their device.  If a student finds they have completed all daily work and homework assigned for the day, and there is no other work they can accomplish, they may go to the library, if time permits.  Students may not leave class during the first or last ten minutes of class or during instructions.


Procedure for Dismissal From Class

Before dismissal, students will be expected to return materials to the correct location, straighten desks, and clean up their area. The teacher will dismiss students by rows, groups or individuals.  The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell.


Procedure for Teacher Leaving the Room

If the teacher leaves the room for any reason, typically in an emergency situation, students are expected to continue working and follow all rules and procedures.  In such situations, students may ask Ms. Hebert (D201) for assistance.


Substitute Teacher

Students are to respect substitute teachers when I am not present.  If I am absent, a substitute will present a lesson with relevant content to what have learned.  The lesson will always be important to what will be taught the following day.  Students need to follow the daily routine and take responsibility for their learning.


Procedure for Fire Drills

Students are to line up, silently, in the classroom.  When given direction, students will exit towards the stairs.  Students will descend the stairs and the doors to the left to exit the building.  When safely away from the building, students will turn to face the building and continue to stand in a straight and quiet line.  Students will enter the building when the “all clear” announcement is given.  Students will enter the building in a straight and quiet line.  When re-entering the room, students will continue the lesson where they left off.


If students follow all these policies and procedures, they will be SUCCESSFUL!

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