Geometry Syllabus

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Hello, and welcome to Mr. Pieper’s Geometry course.  I’m excited to have you in my class!  A little about me: I graduated with a Bachelor’s in interdisciplinary studies with a minor in Mathematics from Sam Houston State University.  I have taught Social Studies for the past for 2 years.  I look forward to making this a fun and productive year!

Contact Info

Teacher: Justin Pieper                                 e-mail:

Office phone: (409) 927- 3263                   *E-mail is the best way to contact me.

After school tutorials: T, W, Th 3:00-3:45                               



  • 1 ½ inch or 2 inch 3-ring binder (must be brought to class daily)
  • Grid Paper (bring to class every day)
  • Notebook paper
  • 1 Protractor with a hole (keep at home)
  • 1 compass (keep at home)
  • 1 ruler (keep at home)


Students will be able to access textbook materials through the SFISD website, as follows:

Go to district’s website (, using the Student tab, click on Big Ideas Math.  Students will be provided with login information during the next few days.  We will be using Discovering Geometry as a classroom resource (in class only.)

Grading Scale

Nine-Week Averages:                                            Semester Averages:

Tests and major projects: 50%                              1st 9-weeks: 40%

Quizzes and minor projects: 30%                           2nd 9-weeks: 40%

Daily work: 20 %                                                    Semester exam: 20%

Geometry brake-down for the 2017-2018 year

1st Nine Weeks

          Unit 1 – Introduction to Logic and Euclidean Geometry

          Unit 2 – Coordinate Geometry and Transformations

          Unit 3 – Relationships of Lines and Transversals

2nd Nine Weeks

          Unit 4 – Relationships of Triangles, including Congruence & Similarity

          Unit 5 – Relationships of Right Triangles, Including Trig

3rd Nine Weeks

          Unit 6 – Relationships of Circles, including Radian Measure & Equations

          Unit 7 – Relationships of Two- and Three-Dimensional Figures

          Unit 8 – Measurement of Two-Dimensional Figures

4th Nine Weeks

          Unit 9 – Measurement of Three-Dimensional Figures

          Unit 10 - Probability

          Unit 11 – Engineering Design

Retests and Test Corrections:

If you fail a test, you may make test corrections for up to 10 points added back. If you are still not satisfied with your grade, you may retake the exam one time. You can earn up to a 70 on a retake, but you may only retake 1 exam per 9-weeks.

Late Work Policy

Homework and classwork will be graded for accuracy.  Students must show their work in order to receive credit.  All homework is due by Friday of each week; late work will be accepted until the day of the unit test, but not beyond that, as the purpose of homework is to prepare for the tests.  Late homework will be graded for a maximum grade of 75% if not more than 3 days late, and a maximum grade of 50% if more than 3 days late.

Make-up Work

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed and get those assignments.  You have the number of days you were absent to make up any daily work and 10 days to make-up any tests or quizzes that you missed.  Make-up tests and quizzes MUST be taken in tutorials, not during class time.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phone use is not permitted during class time.  Students must be mentally present and engaged to learn, and cell phones have proven to be a significant distraction for many students.  Students who use their phones during class will receive one warning to put it away; the second time, they will be asked to put their phones in “Cell Phone Jail” for the remainder of class.  They will receive their phones back at the end of class.  The 3rd, and final warning will result in the phone going to the campus bookkeeper by the end of the school day, and the student and/ or their parent/ guardian may retrieve the phone with a $15 fine. These three warning are not daily warnings, and disciplinary action will take place for repeat offenders.  If you have an emergency or family situation that may require use of your phone during class time, notify me at the beginning of class.  I will work with you.


Extra supplies for the classroom:

As students will use supplies in my classroom throughout the school year, my classroom will require extra supplies.  These are voluntary donations to my classroom, with an alphabetical brake down.  These supplies will greatly help!

Last Name:            Supplies:

A-G                       Tissues and graph paper

H-O                      Hand Sanitizer and index cards

P-Z                        Pencils and notebook paper


Class Expectations

  1. Be respectful to everyone in the room – the teacher, other students, guests in the room, and yourself.


  1. Clean up after yourself. Do not leave papers in my room or trash on my floor.


  1. Be productive. I expect everyone to put forth their best effort every day.


  1. Stay positive. Have a growth mind set – you may not understand something yet, but you will get there if you don’t give up.  Something that seems difficult today may seem easy a week from now.


Be Yourself

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