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1st Period - World Geography Co-Teach

2nd Period - Foundations of Fitness 

3rd Period - Foundations of Fitness  

4th Period - Conference

5th Period - Coordinator Period

6th Period - Freshman/JV Athletics 

7th Period - Varsity Athletics 


Get to know Coach Webb:


Hey everyone! I am so excited to get to start the new year and meet all of my new students!! 


I attended University of Houston - Clear Lake where I received my Bachelor of Science in Fitness and Human Performance.  I am certified to teach EC-12 Special Education, EC-12 Physical Education, and EC-6 Generalist.  I am the Girls Athletic Coordinator at the high school and the Head Volleyball Coach. Santa Fe is my Alma Mater and I am very excited to be working for Santa Fe ISD.  I love spending time with my family and I am a huge Texan's fan.  




2021-22 PE Syllabus




I am always available for tutorials. If you have any questions about assignments, please contact me through email and I will be happy to set up an online or phone call tutorial with you.


If you would like to contact me, my email address is Jennifer.webb@sfisd.org

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