English IV syllabus

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Materials needed:

*a notebook of the student's choice (I recommend a composition book of at least 70 pages.) Students may leave these in the classroom if they choose to. Please put your name and class period on your notebook. 

*a pencil (highly recommended so students can erase)

*student laptop for online assignments and computer-based activities

Recommended materials (not essential but helpful!)

*a pocket folder for handouts

*a box of map pencils or crayons (I have some for the class to use, but students may bring their own.)

*a highlighter (I have some students may use.)



major grades (50% -tests and major projects)

minor grades (30%-short quizzes and short projects)

daily grades (20%)

            Tests corrections may be done up to a 70% before the end of the nine weeks. These must be done during tutorials and students must ask the teacher to do corrections.

Plagiarized work = zero and a parent contact (Students will not be allowed to make up an assignment if they receive a zero for plagiarism.)

Daily class participation is expected. Students should keep cell phones and ear buds/airPods put away during instruction.

Class Expectations:

1. Come to class on time and prepared to learn with pencil, notebook, and laptop.

2. Follow teacher directions. (Ask for help if you don't understand.)

3. Show respect and kindness to everyone in class.

4. Keep cell phones put away during teacher instruction (unless I allow you to use your phone for an assignment or review game)

5. Clean up after yourself and return borrowed supplies.

6. No hall pass the first 10 minutes of class. (one student at a time)


Rewards for good behavior/participation

1. Positive emails and phone calls home

2. Playing games (hangman, pictionary, trash ball, Kahoot, etc.)

3. Bonus points or candy for winning games or extra participation

4. Happy teacher!  :) 

5. Possible class food day or film day


Consequences for poor choices:

1. verbal reminder

2. brief conference with student in hallway

3. phone call/email to parent

4. teacher detention after school (30 minutes) and contact parent

5. office referral and contact parent

*For cell phone consequences, please see the school cell phone policy

*For excessive tardies, please see the school tardy policy




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