Basketball Rules

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Boys Basketball Rules & Policies

2017-18 Season


Daily Rules:

  1. Don’t be late to practice.
  2. Players must dress out every day.
  3. Proper equipment and uniform must be worn or used.
  4. Players are not to be tardy to ANY class.
  5. Players must always be in dress code compliance (Santa Fe High School Code).
  6. Players must have a clean appearance. (coaches discretion)
  7. NO earrings or body piercing of any kind during the athletics period.
  8. Players must display proper conduct while on any school campus.
  9. Players must not receive ISS!
  • Players are not to use any tobacco products or illicit substances.
  • Players are not to consume any alcohol products.
  • Any absence (whether it is excused or un-excused) will be dealt with at the discretion of the coaching staff. Excused means that the coach knows you will be absent with at least 24 hours notice. Unexcused means that the coach did not know that you were going to be absent. Make sure you have the phone # of all the coaching staff.
  • Headbands, wristbands, armbands, etc. must be approved by Coach Keresztury.
  • Game socks and shoes must be team colors only.
  • Undershirts must be the same color as the jersey (UIL Rule)
  • Any negative email (s) from a teacher about a player will result in disciplinary action. This will be at the coach’s discretion.
  • Players MUST NOT post any comments on any social media site that can be divisive or cause conflict among players, coaches, parents, other teams, or officials. Social Media networks include Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Any violation of the above rules will result in disciplinary action taken by the coaching staff, at the discretion of the coaching staff. Extreme cases or abuse of the above rules could result in a suspension from the program, missing a certain number of games, or being removed from the program permanently.

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