Scales' Stompin' Steers Schedule

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SCALES Homeroom Schedule

8:40 Unpack/Get ready for the day/Switch classes/ Announcements

8:50-11:20 Reading and Writing with Mrs. Buck

11:15-11:45 Lunch 

11:50-12:15 Continue Reading and Writing with Mrs. Buck

12:15 Switch Classes

12:15-12:40 Math Whole Group*Handwriting on Mondays

12:40-1:00 Recess

1:00-1:15 Continue Math Whole Group 

1:15-2:15 Small Groups/Stations

2:15-3:00 Specials ( P.E., P.E., Art, P.E.,Music)

3:00-3:40  Social Studies (M,T) Science (W,Th,F)

3:40 Cleanup/Pack up/Get ready for dismissal/Head to dismissal area



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