Syllabus for Ceramics II & III
Course Description and Grading Procedures
Credit: 1 Fine Art
Prerequisites: Art 1
Grade Level: 9-12
This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor when conditions warrant
Instructor: Mrs. Karen Allen
Course description: Ceramics is a 3D medium and will consist of learning the terminology of ceramics. The techniques will be incorporated into projects. We will be looking into the history of ceramics and infusing the different styles into self-driven art projects.
* The Ceramics Course Fee is $50 covers the supplies that are used in the classroom on a regular basis. If your child wishes to work at home then you will need to have art supplies at home.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the course fee please contact me as soon as possible.
- Please pay fees to Mrs. Allen or Mrs. Walton in the front office during the first week of school. Students that fail to submit their $50.00 Course Fee may be put on a fine list until the fee has been paid. Fees may be paid via, cash, check, or money order made out to SFHS-ART. Please obtain a receipt
90-100= A, 80-89= B, 75-79= C, 70-74= D, 0-69= F
Alternative Assessment/Daily work= 20%
Quizzes/Sketches/Clean-Up= 30%
Exams/Projects= 50%
- * Alternative Assessment/ Daily Work:
Participation/clean-up grades are taken randomly. Book work sheets that are done in one day’s time. Vocabulary is a necessary tool that we will frequently use to introduce new knowledge.
- * Quizzes: Quizzes are given periodically to check for understanding of a new technique or vocabulary. Sketches of projects will be required as a brainstorming process.
- * Exams/Projects: Projects are graded on basis of craftsmanship, design, and class time spent on projects. Students are given approximately 1-3 weeks to complete projects depending on availability.
The Ten Golden Rules of Ceramics
- Clay must be thoroughly covered up with a plastic bag to keep it from drying out. This applies to works in progress and moist clay.
- Clay dust can be harmful if you are exposed to it for long periods of time, so keep your area clean, clay scraps off the floor and clean with water and a sponge.
- Clay can be no thicker than your thumb.
- In order for clay to stick together it MUST be scored and slipped together while the clay is moist or leather hard.
- Wedge clay to remove air bubbles, achieve uniform consistency, and to line up the particles of clay.
- Trapped air can cause clay to explode. So hollow out sculptural forms and put needle holes from the bottom so air can escape.
- Don't glaze the bottom of a piece.
- Always wash the piece before glazing.
- Always handle your project with two hands at all times. In other words BE CAREFUL it’s your hard work. Never lift pots by the rim.
Ceramics III and Ceramics IV will have additional instructions and expectations for each project
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form
Dear Student & Parent/Guardian,
We are going to have a great time in Art (AP Arts, Art 1, Painting, and Ceramics) this year! We will be introducing the fundamentals and basics while exploring new techniques and processes to further develop the students’ knowledge and confidence. Art is a part of everyday life, and everywhere you look- from the clothes you wear, the television you watch, to the music you listen to.
FEES- There is a $50.00 fee for Pastels, $50.00 for Ceramics, $50.00 for Painting, and $50.00 for AP ART COURSES. These fees will assist in covering needed material for the duration of this school year such as: colored pencils, glues, scissors, oil & chalk pastels, sharpeners, canvases, all art papers, etc. - Failure to pay the fee will result in being placed on a fine list until the fee is paid. Please have students go to the bookkeeper for all fees due or to answer any questions regarding free or reduced lunches.
- Attached to this letter is the Course Syllabus for my class.
- Please read it carefully so that you and the student are aware of the expectations in my classroom and for this course.
- All policies and procedures laid out in this syllabus will be strictly adhered to for the duration of the school year.
- Once you have read and understand everything regarding this course guide, please sign and date the form below stating that your compliance and the student return it to me ASAP. THIS IS FOR A GRADE, it will either be a “100” or a “0”.
Student & Parent/Guardian
I have been provided with a copy of Mrs. Allen’s Course Syllabus, and we are fully aware and understand all expectations, policies, and procedures in this course guide, including the course fees and the fee due ASAP. I will respect, abide, and adhere to this course Syllabus Guide and Mrs. Allen’s Classroom expectations and policies for the duration of the school year.
Please indicate your preferred method of contact: Email / Work Phone / Home Phone / Cell Phone
Student Name: ______________________________ Student Signature: _______________________________
Parent/Guard. Name: _______________________ Parent/Guard. Signature: ___________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________
Work Phone: _________________________ Home: _________________________ Cell: ________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
Please indicate your preferred method of contact: Email / Work Phone / Home Phone / Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________
Work Phone: _________________________ Home: _________________________ Cell: ________________________