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Neal English IV 

Ms. Neal 


Room - D111 

Phone Extension 3259


Ms. Neal's Schedule 

1st  English IV

2nd English IV 

3rd  Business English

4th  English IV 

5th   English IV 

6th Conference 

7th  English IV      

8th English IV          



English IV Course Description This course is designed to explore British literature and to develop reading, language, literature, media, writing, research, and study skills. 

                                                     Semester One 

First Nine Weeks 

*The Reader's Workshop model of instruction will be implemented.  Aside from assigned reading, students will be reading independently.  They are expected to bring a book of their choice to class everyday.  They may check books out from the school library, my classroom, or bring one of their own. 

*The Writer's Workshop will be used for writing instruction. 

Literature: Epic Beowulf, from Canterbury Tales: "The Wife of Bath", "The Pardoner's Tale",   Ballad: "Robin Hood and the Three Squires", Poems: "Passionate Shepherd to His Love", "Nymph's Reply to His Shepherd", "To His Coy Mistress", "To the Virgins, to Make  Much of Time",  "Do Not Go Gentle".  

Writing: Literary analysis essay, creative writing essay 

Research: Various assignments 

Second Nine Weeks 

Literature: Drama The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Comedy The Taming of the Shrew, Various  sonnets from William Shakespeare, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 

Writing: Literary analysis essay 

Research: Macbeth project 

Semester Exam 

                                            Semester Two 

*The Reader's Workshop model of instruction will be implemented.  Aside from assigned reading, students will be reading independently.  They are expected to bring a book of their choice to class everyday.  They may check books out from the school library, my classroom, or bring one of their own. 

*The Writer's Workshop will be used for writing instruction. 

Third Nine Weeks 

Literature:  Essay "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift,  Excerpts from Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", and "Kubla Khan".  

Writing:  Research, Satire Project 


Satire *Monty Python and the Holy Grail  

 Fourth Nine Weeks 

Literature: Poem "Dulce Est Decorum", Short Story "The Demon Lover", Excerpt from autobiography Night, Novel: A Brave New World 

Writing: Analytical essays 

Research: Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


 Throughout the year, we will be working on various grammar and punctuation skills, as well as vocabulary.  We will use The Write Source text, and classroom copies are available.  We will also be working on listening and speaking skills, as well as media literacy. Should you wish to check out a literature book, you may do so in the library. 

 *See "Weekly Planning" page for a weekly overview of lessons                          



Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:55-3:25 in my classroom. 

Assessments   Class work, homework, participation, short writing assignments (journals, paragraph responses etc.), major essays/papers, quizzes/tests, and projects. 


Major - 50% Exams, essays, projects   

Minor – 30% Classwork or Homework, Small Projects, Major Project Checkpoints   

Daily- 20% Daily participation in class, daily class work, journals, warm-ups, exit tickets, informative packets, vocabulary work, notes, homework

 Late work 

Students may be permitted to turn in an assignment up to three school days past the original due date with a grade deduction of 10 points per day off for each day late thereafter. 

Homework   All homework will be collected at the beginning of class unless otherwise instructed.  If it is not turned in at this time, it is late (points will be deducted accordingly).  

*All minor/daily assignments associated with a major assignment must be turned in prior to the administration of the major assignment (exam/test). 

Semester Assessment (Finals) Exemptions
Semester exam exemptions will be awarded at the end of each semester. The requirements for exemptions will be released before each semester exam week. Exemptions will be based upon no more than 3 absences or 3 tardies in the semester for which the exemption is earned.

Please visit (www.sfisd.org) for more information.  


-          Composition book (something you can take notes in)  

-          Pencils, black or blue pens, highlighters 

-          Hand sanitizer 

-          One box of Kleenex 

Classroom Policies 

Be Respectful - No one (student or adult) should feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in this classroom.    

Be Responsible - Get to class on time.  The tardy policy is in the student handbook and on my bulletin board. 

Be Present - Take care of your personal business on your time.  Bathroom passes are to be used sparingly. Do not enter or leave the class without a pass.  

Be Involved – Pay attention, do your work, participate. 


SCHOOL RULES Must Be Followed 

Dress Code 

Students are expected to know and follow the approved dress code.  

*New rule:  Hats are not allowed and will be confiscated.  Hoodies are not to cover the head.   


Students must wear ID badges at all times. 

Tardy Policy 

Students must be inside the classroom when the bell rings or they will be marked tardy.  Consequences for tardies are posted online and in my classroom.  

10/10 Policy 

Students are not allowed to leave the classroom the first ten minutes of class or the last ten minutes of class. 

Restroom Pass

A pass to the restroom may be accessed through the Pass app on Classlink.

Cell Phones 

Cell phones/earbuds/watches  are to be turned off, put in an envelope, and placed under their desk.  I will provide envelopes. 

If these items are not put away as instructed, they  will be confiscated and turned in to the office.  The student and/or parent will have to retrieve the items  after school.  

Failure to turn in cell phone will result in student receiving an office referral. 

*In the event that a student continues to refuse to follow the expectations, further disciplinary action will take place. 

Food and Drink 

Students are allowed to drink bottled water in class.  No food is permitted. No sodas, Sonic drinks, coffee, etc. 

Rewards & Consequences 


   - Extra credit tickets 

   - Candy 

   - Music 

   - Food day (breakfast, pizza, potluck…) 

   - Homework pass 


   - Warning 

   - Student/teacher conference 

   - Detention  after school  

   - Parent/student/teacher conference may also occur at this point. 

   - Office referral.  

All our dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney 

I am looking forward to working with you.  This is going to be a great year! 

 - Ms. Neal 

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