Welcome to English 3!

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English 3 Syllabus

Course Description

Welcome to English III!  This course includes frequent writing, close readings of a variety of materials, and analytical discussions.  Our goal is to prepare and teach you skills that are necessary for success after high school.

Supply List (required):

  • Laptop – phones will not be sufficient for logging into and participating in class.
  • Power-cords to keep device battery charged
  • Pencils / Paper
  • Composition notebook (college ruled)
  • Lysol, Clorox Wipes, and Hand Sanitizer are always welcomed


Tests/Exams Rules

  • Students have two weeks to retest and major exam grade up to a 70% (excluding 9-wks exam, semester exam, and EOC exams)
  • If a student fails to demonstrate mastery on the re-test, the higher of the two grades shall be recorded.

Advanced  Grading Scale: 

Essays and exams/Major Grades: 40%

Quizzes/Minor Grades: 60%



Essays and exams/Major Grades: 50%

Quizzes/Minor Grades: 30%

Daily grades, homework: 20%

Make-Up Work

Students shall be permitted to make up assignments and tests after an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and to complete make-up work. The student has the number of days equal to the number of days missed in order to complete make up work and tests.

 Late Work

The expectation is that all students will comply with all deadlines for class assignments. However, if the student does submit assignments past the deadline the teacher will adhere to the following for late assignments:

            1 day late = 25 point deduction

            2 days late = 25 point deduction

            3 days late = 25 point deduction

25 points will ONLY be taken off once but apply to any/all of the 3 days.

  •   After 3 days, no late work will be accepted

Canvas Website   Located on the Santa Fe High School webpage under “staff” is my teacher website (just click on my name.) This includes information about my class, tutorial times, weekly agendas, and all contact information. There will also be a monthly calendar that outlines what students are working on each day. Please use this site to your advantage to keep up with work or tutorials. Students will use this website to complete assignments and quizzes.


We will be using our Class Notebook (LEFT link on canvas page) everyday. We will keep our journals, handouts, readings, notes, writing and library ( a total of 6 files) and other assignments here. You will access One Note through our Canvas page link. Don't use onenote.com, it will not link to your Class Notebook.


Contact our Tech Help department by emailing them M-F 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. at techhelpdesk@sfisd.org They will contact you within at least 2 hours.

Click Here to go to Santa Fe Technology Troubleshooting Guide.Links to an external site. Links to an external site.


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