Welcome to Algebra II

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I'm Coach Jason Harris and this is my second year at SFHS.  I spent about 10 years in the US Army, serving in 3 different countries as a Chinese Mandarin Linguist.  I'm a graduate of George Washington University, where I earned a BBA in International Business.  Aside from teaching Algebra II, I'm also a SFHS Varsity Football and the Head Golf Coach.

All Algebra II material can be found online via www.bigideasmath.com (text book) and our canvas course page.  I encourage each of my students to utilize these two online accessible resources to excel in this course.

1st - 4th period: Algebra II 

5th period: Athletics

6th period: Conference

7th period: Athletics

Tutorials on Wednesday afternoons.

Best method of communication with me: jason.harris@sfisd.org

Here's what we are doing this week:

Monday Course Outline and Class Procedures
Tuesday Notations
Wednesday Parent Functions and Transformations
Thursday Parent Functions and Transformations
Friday Parent Functions and Transformations
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