About the Course (Syllabus)

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Course Description and Grading Procedures

Credit: 1 Fine Art

Prerequisites: None

Grade Level: 9-12

This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor when conditions warrant.

Instructor: Mr. Jason Case - Rm: FA110


  • Course Description: The first year of high school art is a basic course that provides a foundation for those art courses that follow. This course is primarily devoted to deliberate and systematic presentations of various art processes, procedures, theories, and historical developments. The approach to art experiences during this time is somewhat experimental in terms of materials but structured in terms of providing students a strong foundation in design, drawing, painting, and vocabulary.
  • Art 1 does not have an art fee, but there is a supply list that is online and it will be given on the first day of school. If your child wishes to work at home then you will need to have art supplies at home. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the course supplies, please contact me as soon as possible or speak to me in private.


Grading Procedures:

A: (90-100) B: (80-89) C: (75-79) D: (70-74) F: (0-69)

Minor Grades - 30%

Major Grades - 50%

Daily Grades - 20%


  • Alternative Assessment/ Daily Work: Participation/clean-up grades are taken randomly. Book work sheets that are done in one day’s time.
  • Quizzes/Sketchbook: Quizzes are given periodically to check for understanding of a new technique or vocabulary. Sketchbook assignments are given as homework unless otherwise stated. 
  • Exams/Projects: Projects are graded on basis of craftsmanship, design, and class time spent on projects. Students are given approximately 1-3 weeks to complete projects depending on availability.
  • Late Work/Incomplete Policy: It is very important in ART 1 for projects to be finished in a timely manner, that is why my Late Work/Incomplete Policy for ART 1 is a little different from the district standard. All Late Work will receive a minimum 15-point deduction, where the maximum a student can earn for a late assignment will be an 85. All Incomplete Work will receive a minimum of a 25-pont deduction, where the maximum a student can earn will be a 75

I understand that unforeseen things happen. In the event where the unforeseen happens, it is up to the student to be proactive and come and tell me what is going on so I can work with them to avoid any late or incomplete penalty. 


The students MAY be expected to complete a written RESEARCH PAPER. This is graded as project. The research paper will be accompanied by a project based on the research paper, which is also graded as a project. Students’ work is graded on basis of design, creativity, craftsmanship, completion, individual effort, and use of class time.  Average amount of homework is an hour a week.


Classroom Expectations:

  • Be Respectful: Respect Me, Request the Art Materials, You'll Earn Respect
  • Be on time
  • Be present (be productive) Do your best even if you are not the best artist
  • Be self-motivated
  • Communicate Effectively

I follow the SFISD High School Cell Phone Policy - No cell phones 


Classroom Discipline

1st- Verbal Warning & Redirect

2nd- Teacher/Student Conference

3rd- Teacher Detention & Parent/Guardian Contact

4th- Teacher/Student/Parent or Guardian Conference



Tardy Policy

We follow SFHS tardy policy. All doors will be shut at the time of the bell and the student will have to obtain a tardy slip for entrance into class. 


10/10 Rule

No student will be permitted to leave the classroom for any reason 10 minutes after class begins or 10 minutes before class ends.


  • Facial tissues
  • Colored pencils (12 count or more)
  • Broad tip colored marker set (12 count or more)
  • Watercolor set
  • Scissors
  • 4 Glue sticks
  • Sketchbook (50 pages- multi-media to include wet surfaces)
  • 1 pack assorted color construction paper
  • 24 #2 pencils
  • 4 erasers
  • Pencils sharpener
  • 12” ruler
  • Black permanent marker (2 minimum)
  • One durable bag or plastic box big enough to keep all these supplies
  • Bleach wipes



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