About Julio Olivares

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Hi my name is Julio Olivares, I am from Houston TX. I am married to the love of my life Jael Olivares.

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I grew up in a faith based home, which largely impacted my career decisions leading me to attend Texas Bible College. There I gained my passion for teaching and helping people from all stages and walks of life.

After that I attended South Coast Welding Academy were I developed my second passion, welding! Following welding school I went into the industry for 5 years and welded in many different refineries with many different processes.

After working in the industry for 5 years I began to teach welding at different welding academy's, including Houston Community College. This eventually lead me to Santa Fe where I was offered the position to be a full time welding teacher.

Teaching and welding are my two passions and I love seeing students learn the craft and eventually make a rewarding career out of it.

- Julio Olivares 

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