Welcome to Ms. Wiesen's Class

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Welcome to Ms. Wiesen's 6th Gade Math Class!

Hello! My name is Elissa Wiesen and I'm excited to be back for my 2nd year teaching 6th grade math teacher here at Santa Fe Junior High! I graduated in 2021 from University of Houston-Clear Lake with my Bachelors of Science. Somethings I enjoy to do in my free time are going to Astros games with my husband, playing with my fur baby Lola, and spending times with friends and family. As much as I love teaching, I'm even more excited about the things I'll be learning from my students this year.

My grading policy is the same as the rest of SFJH, daily work 60% and test/mastery work is 40% of a students grade. Depending on the type of assignment, my classroom Canvas page will either have a link to the missed work or a downloadable copy of of the work. Students will also be responsible for completing assignments on Mathia. A link to that can be found in classlink under the Carnegie Learning tab. Most of our work will be done in class but students may receive homework on occasion.

My goal for the students this school year is to exhibit growth in their learning. To help reach that goal I encourage families to sit down and discuss with their student what they are learning. I also encourage both parents and students to reach out to me with any questions via email at elissa.wiesen@sfisd.org or through phone by calling the school. My conference is 3rd period (9:30am-10:27am).

I am excited for the the amazing school year we have ahead of us this year!


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